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Are You a Therapy Junkie?

Posted on September 4th, 2016

Recently I had a client in her 60s (I’ll call her Tammy) who had spent 12 long years in therapy, trying to figure out what was wrong with her and searching for ways to improve. Tried everything Tammy had tried every self-help, positive thinking, mind-opening, behaviour-correcting course you can think of. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy? Check! […]

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3 ways you’re dooming your relationship before it’s began

Posted on September 4th, 2016 Overcome divorce challenges

Have you been single since what seems like forever – and miserable about it? If so, you may be falling into one of these common self-defeating traps. 1) You raise the wrong bars way too high. I’m not suggesting you settle for something or someone that just isn’t right for you. I’ve talked before at […]

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How to get shit done!

Posted on August 23rd, 2016

I used to be an absolute moron when it came to time management. You have never in your life met more of a recovering time-waster or ex-procrastinator than me. I spent 32 years carefully perfecting the art of lurking, leaving things to the last minute followed by night sweats and panic and of course there […]

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