Hey, there. I wanted to make a video just before Christmas time… So, we got quite a few questions and comments from people from our website that ask things like how do we prevent all the drama around Christmas… or people commenting that they find Christmas really stressful and challenging. And it is […]
Here’s How to Fight the Right Way and Avoid Conflict with a New Partner Guess what? International Pillow Fight Day takes place this month (yes, there really is a day for everything, folks!). And, while it might sound daft, there’s nothing like a light hearted playfight with your other half to let off steam, behave […]
You probably don’t know this, but I launched my NakedDivorce business on the back of my first book ‘NakedDivorce for women’ five years ago – Since then the business has grown and grown, and I’m delighted, and blessed to have been able to touch so many people’s lives as they wrestle with the chaos, despair […]
Is Valentine’s getting you down? Well stop it. It’s just a game, and here’s how to remember how to enjoy it. Around this time of year being lonely drives some people into total anxiety about finding the one. The thing is, finding a life partner isn’t about being all anxious and desperate. It’s about being […]
Hi I’m Simon – better known for being the other half to Adele Theron- Although I work with Adele on the business-side of NakedRecoveryOnline and NakedDivorce (I also have no own businesses), I usually stay the hell out of delivering any content. Over the years though I been asked the same questions time-and-time again so I […]
Okay, we’ve now talked about how your relationship dynamic affects your basic needs to feel safe and secure Part One and your psychological need to feel loved and valued Part Two. But what about the top of the pyramid: self-fulfilment? Self-fulfilment In the grand scheme of things, at least for people from most walks of life, […]
Brad, Angelina and the Death of the “Perfect” Relationship Ever been told “Oh my god, you guys are just SO GOOD together?” even as the doubts are starting to set in? Or had friends roll their eyes when you mention issues that are starting to bother you because hey, your relationship is great – what […]
In the first part of this series, I talked about how all humans have a basic need to feel safe and secure, and how to make sure that you offer that to your partner in ways that are healthy and not controlling or counterproductive. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. Or, in […]
They take no notice of me. They don’t support me or show any interest in my job, or my passions, or my interests. They don’t listen. They seem bored when we’re together. I don’t feel they’re proud to be with me. They don’t call or text to see how I’m doing. They’re always too busy […]
Part One – You Don’t Know What’s Good For You We all have that amazing friend who’s perpetually single, and we just can’t work out why. You know the type: she’s smart, brilliant, beautiful and tons of fun. She dips her toes in the dating pool – perhaps she’s even the type who always seems […]
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