Heal, Grow, and Thrive

Accelerate Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, Transforming Post-Traumatic Stress into Post-Traumatic Growth

Discover the tools to safely break free from toxic relationships, reclaim your self-worth, and learn forward techniques will help you continue to thrive and live a fulfilling life.

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Let’s pause for a moment and reflect

  • Have you had to deal with disrespect, lies, distortions, slander, and smear campaigns from a difficult individual?
  • Do you perceive them as entitled, inflexible, controlling, and manipulative?
  • Are you losing all sense of self-worth and feeling unlovable?
  • Being overwhelmed with feelings of shame?

If so, you may be a victim of narcissistic abuse. Some believe one can never fully overcome narcissistic abuse. I completely disagree.

Imagine if you could…

Experience profound calmness and relaxation

Healing the deep wounds of narcissistic abuse at a nervous system level.

Recover form the trauma and thrive

Liberating yourself from the painful narrative of your past narcissistic experiences.

Break free from painful relationship patterns

Free from the shackles of narcissistic manipulation and control, ready to embrace a future filled with hope and possibility.

Embrace a future illuminated by self-love and authenticity

Bidding farewell to the shadows of dread and toxic shame that once clouded your path to healing.

Welcome to Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program by Naked Recovery

Practical Techniques For Safely Breaking Free & Healing From Narcissistic Abuse.

Access personalized guidance, trauma-informed advice, and effective recovery programs to navigate narcissistic abuse and take control of your life again. With over 20 years of experience in trauma recovery, our coach is here to support you every step of the way

Book a FREE Clarity Call… →

Our services have been featured in:

Enroll in our online Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program, where you’ll receive expert-guided trauma recovery coaching tailored to:

  • Regulate the nervous system post-trauma
  • Safely break free from toxic relationships
  • Release feelings of shame and self-blame
  • Establish healthy boundaries and cultivate fulfilling relationships
  • Identify and Avoid Narcissistic Personalities in the Future

What Makes Our Program Different

Specialist in Trauma Recovery

You’re guided by a Certified Clinical Trauma Recovery Coach and specialists in what we do.

Personal Coaching

One size does not fit all. Every couple is unique, and our approach is personalized to meet your specific needs and goals.

Structured Approach

You’ll be guided through holistic plan covering diet, routine, fitness, health & spirituality.

Recover or Your Money Back

Overcome narcissistic abuse trauma or get your money back! (we’ve never had 1 person claim this offer!)

Risk free

7-day trial : your refund is hassle-free — no questions, no complications.

Reputation Built on Discretion

We’ve worked with celebrities, royal family, presidents, but can’t say whom they are!

Narcissist Abuse Trauma Recovery Program Curriculum

Phase 1: COCOON

Understand how trauma is processed, what kind of abuse you suffered, then treating yourself as a patient (installing self-compassion) and an athlete (having adequate resourcing). In this phase, we’ll lay the foundation for growth and healing.

  • Building Trust and Setting Goals:
    As we embark on this journey together, it’s important to establish trust and set clear goals. What do you envision for yourself at the end of our program?
  • Understanding Your Experience:
    Let’s explore how narcissistic abuse trauma affects you and why it’s challenging to move forward. It’s okay to feel stuck, and we’ll navigate through these emotions together.
  • Acknowledging Challenges:
    You’re not alone in facing difficulties. Many struggle to seek help or pretend to be okay when they’re not. Let’s address these survival tactics and find healthier ways to cope.
  • Creating Your Healing Environment:
    Think of yourself as both a patient and an athlete. We’ll focus on creating the right environment for transformation, from daily routines to self-care practices. Expect specific homework and tools to monitor your progress.

Identify what part of you attract toxicity or in conflict with another. Educate yourself on the triangle of drama you allowed yourself to be part of. Allow yourself to experience the emotions associated to your abuse. Now, we’ll delve deeper into understanding your experiences and reactions to narcissistic abuse.

  • Recognizing Abuse and Its Impact:
    Together, we’ll identify the type of abuse you’ve experienced and develop strategies to address each type effectively.
  • Exploring Your Triggers:
    What sets you off or makes you shut down? Let’s uncover these triggers and understand where they come from. This insight will guide our healing journey.
  • Reacting to Loss and Emotions:
    It’s time to allow yourself to feel and process your emotions. We’ll use various therapeutic techniques to help you navigate through this phase and neutralize negative coping mechanisms.

Identify what triggers you have and use the right strategy for surviving and thriving in your situation. Focusing on building your new identity with a clear goal of what you want to achieve in the future. As we progress, we’ll focus on practical strategies to empower you in your everyday life.

  • Developing Personalized Strategies:
    Whether you’re still in contact with the narcissistic person or not, we’ll work on strategies tailored to your unique situation. Together, we’ll build resilience and reclaim your power.

Having explored, honoured, and reconciled, what happened, adjust to the new reality, embracing freedom from toxic relationships. Learn how to fix your picker. Now, it’s time to embrace your transformation and step into a brighter future.

  • Returning to Your Life:
    Take pride in how far you’ve come. Embrace freedom from toxic relationships and learn to navigate life with newfound strength.
  • Making Informed Decisions:
    Let’s equip you with the tools to make better choices and avoid toxic relationships in the future.
  • Designing Your Future:
    You have the power to shape your destiny. Together, we’ll map out your vision for the future and set actionable goals.
  • Continued Growth:
    Our journey doesn’t end here. Learn forward techniques will help you continue to thrive and live a fulfilling life beyond our program.

Get started…

1. Book a Free Clarity Call

We’ll help you understand narcissistic abuse and crystalize your pathway to reclaim your life.

2. Understand Your Plan for Survival

You’ll receive a step-by-step program to empower you and help you thrive.

3. Embrace Freedom

Your new life begins when you resolve your inner traumas, regain your strength and are able to move on with your life.

Book a Clarity Call

Stop the Cycle, Recover Your Identity, & Reconnect with Yourself

Book a Free Clarity Call Now →

Health Risk of Living with Trauma: Take Action

Living with trauma can lead to significant health issues — mentally and physically. Courage, commitment, and action can pave the way to recovery and reclaiming your life.



Data: Web MD Study, 2019.



Data: National Center for Biotechnology Information.



Data: National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Together, we can overcome the shame and helplessness entangled with an abusive figure. Navigating forward may seem daunting, especially after narcissistic abuse, but with our support from a trauma recovery expert coach, we’ve stood by over 6,000 clients as they broke free. Many have faced the same struggle you’re enduring, and together, we’ve guided them toward liberation and recovery, even when abuse was their only reality.

We’re here to provide you with the exact steps needed to apply our groundbreaking insights and proven healing programs, specifically tailored for narcissistic abuse recovery. Through our guidance, led by a trauma recovery expert coach, you’ll experience true freedom and embark on your journey toward healing.

Let’s empower you with the confidence and competence needed to feel whole again.

We measure and value our success rates

*Results are measured at the start of our programs, at the end and finally 6 months later.













We serve customers from all across the world. We can serve you too.

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We guarantee our Results

Emotions at the end of Naked Marriage Programs

Naked Marriage as a Professional Service









Break the Chains of Narcissistic Abuse

Reclaim Your Identity and Heal

Book a FREE Clarity Call →

“Many survivors of a narcissist discover that they’ve sacrificed so much in an attempt to please the narcissist that they’ve lost sight of who they are. Rediscovering oneself involves reclaiming things once loved, be it passions, friendships, or even jobs. It’s about finding that one thing you used to enjoy and taking it back. Reconnect with your inner child, play, and reintroduce yourself to the joys that make you uniquely you.”

― Tracy Malone

Get in Touch

Book a Clarity call or email the team
your questions and we will answer ASAP

We are obsessed with great communication. To make sure we continue to be
the best in the industry, ask us anything, and we will get back to you…

  • Please check your email, including your spam folder, and your SMS messages within the next 24 hours. Our team will be reaching out to assist you in arranging a convenient time for your FREE Clarity Call.