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The COVID-19 crisis has changed life for many of us as we know it. Most of us have experienced or are experiencing an extensive lockdown and all the uncertainty that comes with that. Over the next few episodes, Trauma Therapist Adele Theron will explore the various aspects of lockdown and life beyond it as she examines how to handle mass uncertainty when our brains and nervous systems kick into overdrive, how to manage our personal relationships and not blow them up, how to navigate tensions in relationships and knowing if and when to blow things up, navigating beginnings and endings, handling uncertainty with finance and work and changes which may happen to your livelihood and how to build a plan for life beyond lockdown so that you exit with resilience, having stitched a brand new garment for your life. So if you are interested in tips and tools for resiliency and handling life inside and after lockdown, this is the podcast is for you!