{"id":18790,"date":"2023-02-21T07:51:34","date_gmt":"2023-02-21T12:51:34","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/nakedrecovery.com\/?p=18790"},"modified":"2024-08-29T23:14:38","modified_gmt":"2024-08-30T03:14:38","slug":"marriage-rescue-with-the-spark-programme","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/nakedrecovery.com\/blog\/marriage-rescue-with-the-spark-programme\/","title":{"rendered":"Marriage Rescue with The Spark Programme"},"content":{"rendered":"

Do you feel stuck in your marriage right now? Are you struggling to connect with your partner? Are you arguing more than you usually are? If so, you\u2019ve probably wondered \u201cCan I save my marriage?\u201d<\/p>\n

It\u2019s important to remember that every marriage has its ups and downs. Any relationship can go through dips. However, if you\u2019re really struggling to find your way back to each other this time around, it\u2019s worth considering professional help.<\/p>\n

The Spark Marriage Programme is the perfect fit if you are looking for a clear and conscious way to find your way back together.<\/p>\n

Through my work as a trauma and relationship specialist, as well as with the award-winning programmes on Naked-Divorce, I have been able to pin point the exact moment where a marriage starts to head towards a divorce.<\/p>\n

We\u2019re going to take a look at the Spark Marriage Programme; what it is, who it is for, the main topics we cover, and why you should consider doing the programme.<\/p>\n

What is the Spark Programme?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

As mentioned earlier, I have been exposed to the breakdown of a relationship and the point of divorce thousands of times through my work in Naked Divorce. This experience was crucial in helping me to identify the how, why, and when of divorce.<\/p>\n

With this knowledge, I reverse-engineered the programmes that we offer at Naked Divorce, to build a formula that enables a long-lasting, healthy marriage.<\/p>\n

It\u2019s a three-month programme where I will work with you and your partner separately on occasion, as well as working with you both together.<\/p>\n

I like to think of the Spark Marriage Programme as a form of Relationship School. In this classroom, you\u2019ll learn all about the formula that leads to a successful and long-lasting relationship. The work doesn\u2019t stop there, however, as I will take you on a journey to actually implement this formula into your marriage too.<\/p>\n

By the time you are done with the programme, you should have all the tools and knowledge necessary to go on and thrive in your relationship. The Spark Marriage Programme puts you in a powerful position of understanding when it comes to what you need to do to build a beautiful relationship and how to make it last.<\/p>\n

Who is the Spark Programme For?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

The Spark Programme is a form of marriage rescue. It is a programme that has been lovingly created for couples that feel they have lost their way a bit and that who want to find their way back to each other.<\/p>\n

Having the willingness to work on the marriage and do the weekly work that I set out for all couples is essential.<\/p>\n

The programme is not the perfect fit for everyone. That\u2019s why we offer a clarity call<\/a> for you to find out more about the programme and whether you think it\u2019s something that you are willing to commit to.<\/p>\n

We will then schedule an assessment with a Spark Coach, to ensure that the programme is the right one for you and it will be able to provide you with the results you want to achieve. After all, it\u2019s your time, money and emotions, and that\u2019s something we are aware of and that\u2019s why we like to ensure a perfect fit with couples taking the Spark Marriage Programme.<\/p>\n

Once we have established that a couple qualifies, we will enrol you and the hard, but incredibly rewarding work, can begin.<\/p>\n

What are the Main Topics Covered in the Spark Programme?\u00a0<\/strong><\/h2>\n

I will lead you through 27 modules in the Spark Marriage Programme that will give you the knowledge, guidance and tools that you need to move forward with renewed passion and purpose in your marriage.<\/p>\n

Some of the most important topics that we cover in these modules include:<\/p>\n