Navigate, Heal, and Rebuild After Bereavement

Bereavement is more than just a loss; it’s an emotional journey that demands understanding, support, and practical solutions.

We stand beside you as you navigate grief, heal from bereavement trauma, and emerge stronger.

Discover how we can support you →

Bereavement is More Than Just a Loss

It’s an emotional journey that requires understanding, support, and practical solutions. At Naked Bereavement, we provide a comprehensive program designed to help you navigate the complexities of grief, heal from bereavement trauma, and emerge stronger.

Our expert guidance, supportive community, and tailored resources empower you to process your loss, rebuild your life, and find peace again.

One of the most important truths of being human is that we will inevitably experience losing someone we care deeply about.

Every one of us will, at some point in our lives. This is the door of bereavement. We extend to you an invitation to go on a journey with us, a trip that will begin with your loss being greeted with compassion and understanding, where healing will become a deliberate choice, and where you will discover the fortitude to navigate the intricate landscape of mourning.

Guided by certified trauma coach Adele Theron, CCTP, who brings over two decades of experience and has helped more than 10,032 clients, you can begin a journey toward deep healing and sustainable change.

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The Benefits of The Naked Bereavement Trauma Recovery Program

Expert in Bereavement Trauma Recovery

You’re guided by a Certified Clinical Trauma Coach and specialists in what we do.

Personal Coaching

One size does not fit all. Every person is unique, and our approach is personalized to meet your specific needs and goals.

Structured Approach

You’ll be guided through holistic plan covering diet, routine, fitness, health & spirituality.

Recover or Your Money Back

Heal and recover or get your money back! (we’ve never had 1 person claim this offer!)

Risk free

7-day trial : your refund is hassle-free — no questions, no complications.

Reputation Built on Discretion

We’ve worked with celebrities, royal family, presidents, but can’t say whom they are!

Trauma Recovery Program Curriculum

Phase 1: COCOON

Understand how trauma is processed, what kind of abuse you suffered, then treating yourself as a patient (installing self-compassion) and an athlete (having adequate resourcing). In this phase, we’ll lay the foundation for growth and healing.

  • Establish Therapeutic Alliance: Begin by understanding individual goals and expectations for the program.
  • Define Healing Goal: Visualize a better tomorrow by setting a healing goal.
  • Understand Trauma Processing: Explore how trauma is processed and why individuals might feel stuck.
  • Embrace Emotions: Acknowledge the importance of emotions like anger, guilt, and shame in the healing process.
  • Recognize Survival Resources: Identify short-term emotion avoidance tactics and their impact on healing.
  • Create Transformational Environment: Cultivate self-compassion and resilience by focusing on daily routines, diet, habits, and thought diaries.
  • Engage in Active Homework: Utilize daily checklists and clinical audios as practical tools for progress tracking and self-reflection.

Identify what triggers you have and what parts of you are at play or in conflict with one another. Allow yourself to experience the emotions associated to your loss.

  • Internal Family Systems Therapy: Identify internal conflicts and parts within the psyche hindering acceptance of loss.
  • Identify Triggers: Recognize triggers and patterns in day-to-day life.
  • Formulate Recovery Plan: Map triggers to originating trauma hotspots and outline recovery strategies.
  • Experience Emotions: Utilize various therapies such as clinical hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy to neutralize triggers and experience emotions.
  • Neutralize Coping Mechanisms: Address coping mechanisms that produce negative outcomes.

Through restorative storytelling, you embark on a journey of remembrance, integrating cherished memories and experiences into your healing process. Commemorating and honoring your loved one becomes a poignant tribute, a celebration of their impact on your life. In the transition from saying ‘hello’ to saying ‘goodbye’, you navigate profound shifts, embracing change and acknowledging the depth of your loss. As you forge ahead, you craft a new future imbued with fresh meaning and purpose, symbolizing resilience, growth, and the enduring legacy of love.

  • Review Memories: Engage in restorative storytelling and narrative exposure to integrate memories and live alongside loss.
  • Relinquish and Accept Change: Acknowledge and accept that the world has changed, and begin living alongside the loss.
  • Commemorate Loved One: Consider creating a project to honor the memory of the loved one.
  • Resolve Unfinished Business: Work towards closure and resolution of unfinished matters.
  • Embrace Transition: Navigate the transition from saying hello to saying goodbye.

Having explored, honored, and reconciled the complexities of your journey, you embark on the process of adjusting to a new reality. This entails integrating the loss into the fabric of your life, allowing its presence to coexist alongside your daily experiences. By acknowledging and embracing this profound shift, you navigate the path towards healing and resilience, fostering a renewed sense of purpose and acceptance amidst the ebb and flow of life’s transitions.

  • Return to Daily Life: Transition back to daily routines while integrating the loss into life.
  • Form New Relationships: Re-enter the world by forming new relationships and commitments.
  • Design Future: Collaborate on designing a future that reflects personal growth and resilience.
  • Learn Forward Techniques: Embrace techniques for living a fulfilling life beyond loss.

Experience the Peaceful Healing of The Naked Bereavement Recovery Program:


  • Provide a Safe Space: We create a safe and confidential environment in which you will be able to openly discuss your experiences as well as the feelings those events evoke in you.
  • Assistance with Treatment: You will be able to explore the depths of your grief and find peace in the presence of a sympathetic guide through the process of participating in individual counseling sessions with qualified coaches. Our program is built on a foundation of individualized grief therapy because we understand that your path through loss is as unique as it is important and that you deserve assistance that is tailored to you.
  • Facilitate Healing: Our primary objective is to facilitate your recovery and assist you in regaining control of your life. We collaborate with you to build useful coping methods, tools, and techniques.
  • Supportive Environtment: Compassionate and non-judgmental assistance will be provided by our staff throughout the entirety of your healing process as part of the supportive care we provide.

If you seek to turn this crisis into a catalyst for positive change, we are your partners!

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Understand the facts of bereavement



of people experience significant bereavement at least once in their lifetime

Source: Harvard Medical School

2 million

new cases of bereavement-related trauma are reported each year in the U.S.

Source: National Institute of Mental Health

1 in 5

people experiencing bereavement develop prolonged grief disorder

Source: American Psychological Association

It’s more common than you think: Bereavement affects us all deeply, and many struggle with the trauma it brings. Take charge of your well-being today. Book a free clarity call now and start your journey towards emotional resilience

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The bereavement effects are:


Emotional Distress

Intense sadness, anger, guilt, anxiety, and numbness.

Mental Health Issues

Depression, prolonged grief disorder, PTSD, and difficulty concentrating.

Physical Symptoms

Fatigue, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, and physical pain.

Behavioral Changes

Social withdrawal, avoidance, neglect of self-care, and substance use.

Impact on Relationships

Strained relationships, difficulty forming new ones, and trust issues.

Don't just ride the rollercoaster of trauma. Take back control today...

Living with trauma can cause significant health issues both physically and mentally. But with courage, commitment, and action – you can recover and reclaim your life.



Data: Web MD study conducted in 2019 – check statistics here:



Data: National Center for Biotechnology Information



Data: National Center for Biotechnology Information

Your traumas don't have to rule your life..

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Why Choose The Naked Bereavement Coaching Program?


We Have a More Effective Method

What You Won’t Find:

  • No judgment or negativity about why such situations occur.
  • No fear-based tactics to motivate you; we believe in positive reinforcement.
  • No generic advice or theoretical knowledge; our program is tailored to your specific situation.

What You Will Find:

  • A proven plan that works.
  • Situation-specific guidance for real, tangible results.
  • Positive reinforcement to shift the power back into your hands.
  • The best part? You will be coached by an internationally acclaimed mentor, executive coach, certified trauma coach, and best-selling author. Over the past 20 years, more than 10,032 individual clients have benefited from their work, either through private coaching or as part of a group workshop

What Sets Us Apart?

We believe it’s crucial to have practical and effective tools to help you move from the pain of bereavement trauma to a place of peace and healing. Unlike traditional therapy, our approach is based on a proven formula for recovery from grief, which we share with all our clients.

Our program operates like a coaching system, with proactive and structured sessions focusing on clear, specific topics. This is not typical talk therapy, where the direction is mostly client-driven. Instead, we guide you with a clear path and actionable steps, acting as a mediator to help you navigate through your grief.

Our goal-oriented approach covers specific topics in each session, ensuring you learn the principles needed to process your loss and rebuild your life. With Naked Bereavement, you’ll receive the support and guidance necessary to achieve lasting emotional recovery and well-being.

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We serve customers from all across the world. We can serve you too.

There is another way... horrible events can be processed and recovered from. Your traumas don't have to rule your life..

Hear how others have recovered from trauma…

“I now see a whole new person!”

Having Adele alongside me the whole way and being able to hear her own experiences really helped me understand.

Watch Case Study →

Nnenna shares her experience of the 21-day Naked Divorce Program

“Constant journey of self discovery”

The programme has given me the tools to grow and now life my life to the fullest. My eyes are forever opened!

Watch Case Study →

Tom's Experience with the Naked Divorce 21 Day Program
Tom, Pilot
Simon Naked Divorce

“Definitely life changing”

Simon shares his experience of Naked Divorce and how time definitely doesn’t heal wounds.

Watch Case Study →

Simon Naked Divorce
Simon, 47

Ready to get the tools to turn your setbacks into a new beginning? Start your empowering recovery journey today.

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Emotions at the end of Naked Recovery Programs

Naked Recovery as a Professional Service









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  • Please check your email, including your spam folder, and your SMS messages within the next 24 hours. Our team will be reaching out to assist you in arranging a convenient time for your FREE Clarity Call.