Explore Naked Recovery Coaching Programs

To support your journey through emotional trauma

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Amidst the overwhelming weight of trauma, there lies an opportunity for transformation. Our trauma coaching program is centered around the profound belief that healing is not only attainable, but it can also catalyze personal growth and resilience. Within the depths of trauma, we are here to provide guidance through a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Together, we will unearth the strength needed to reconstruct your life, forging a new chapter brimming with hope and positivity. Through tailored support, evidence-based techniques, and a dedicated community, you can navigate the path from trauma to triumph. Your story of resilience starts here.

Naked Recovery Coaching

Featured in over 82 global publications and media outlets, including…

The Naked Recovery Coaching

The Naked Recovery Coaching is a comprehensive solution designed to help individuals heal from the pain of divorce and move forward with their lives. Developed based on personal experience and the success of thousands of others, this program offers an easy, powerful, and swift way to achieve healing. Thousands have found success through it and you can too!

“At Naked Divorce we jump into the trenches with you and we walk with you back into the light. You’re not gonna get any lofty, academic mumbo jumbo from any of us” Adèle Théron

Here are just a few of the results you will get from Naked Trauma Coaching with one of our Trauma Coaches

Reduction in emotional highs and lows
A higher rate of productivity
Increased energy levels
Feel creative and alive
Stop obsessive thoughts
Happier and stress free
More emotionally stable than you have ever been
Peaceful interactions with others
Reconnect with yourself
Increased strength and resilience
We have many coaching programs depending on your needs

Coaching is our essence

Strategic Goal Setting: We understand that moving forward after divorce requires a clear roadmap. During our coaching sessions, you’ll work with your Divorce Coach to set actionable goals that align with your personal aspirations. Whether it’s rebuilding your confidence, co-parenting effectively, or rediscovering your passions, we’ll create a customized plan to get you there.

Practical Steps for Transformation: Our coaching sessions are all about practicality. We don’t just talk about healing; we guide you through the practical steps needed to achieve it. From improving communication with your ex-partner to managing stress and fostering emotional stability, you’ll gain hands-on tools to implement in your daily life.

What Happens During Coaching?

Our coaching programs are designed to be both transformative and empowering. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:

  1. In-Depth Assessment: We’ll start by understanding your current situation, challenges, and goals. This assessment forms the foundation of our coaching plan, ensuring that every session is relevant and impactful.
  2. Goal Setting: Together with your Divorce Coach, you’ll set clear and achievable goals for your journey. These goals will provide direction and purpose throughout the coaching process.
  3. Practical Skill Building: Each coaching session is a hands-on experience. You’ll learn practical skills, strategies, and techniques that can be applied immediately to enhance your well-being and relationships.
  4. Regular Progress Reviews: We believe in tracking progress. Regular check-ins with your Divorce Coach will help you celebrate successes, overcome obstacles, and adjust your strategies as needed.
  5. Empowerment and Growth: As you implement what you’ve learned, you’ll notice positive changes in various aspects of your life. Our coaching is designed to empower you not just during sessions, but in your everyday interactions and decisions.

Your Transformation Begins Now

Embrace this opportunity to heal, grow, and rebuild your life after divorce. Through Naked Divorce Coaching, you’ll gain practical skills, personalized strategies, and unwavering support to navigate this challenging phase with confidence and clarity.

Contact us

to discuss your unique divorce situation and we will match the coaching program which fits you best. You have the flexibility to choose from our selection of off-the-shelf programs or request a program tailored to your specific requirements. Alternatively, you can opt for purchasing coaching sessions in blocks of 5 or 10 sessions, providing you with the convenience to choose the level of support that suits your journey.

  • Get Unstuck

    Uncover the inhibitors which are keeping you stuck 

  • Get clear and choose

    Discover the 5 key frameworks that will help you identify, organize and plan your next steps 

  • Move Forward

    Address any concerns or challenges that may arise as you move forward, equipping yourself with the tools to overcome them.


Your Journey, Your Choice

Our detailed assessment will unveil the potential for transformation within your relationship. Regardless of the path you take, whether salvaging what’s left or embarking on separate journeys, Naked Divorce Coaching is here to guide you. With over a decade of experience, we’ve honed the art of creating the best outcomes, safeguarding your emotional well-being and financial security.

Unlock the Future That Awaits You

Ready to explore the transformative potential of the Naked Marriage Spark Program or embark on an assessment journey? Connect with us today to set your clarity call. Your journey toward clarity, growth, and healing begins now.

Should the painful point of no return be reached, our Divorce Assessment steps in as your guiding light. This comprehensive evaluation takes into consideration vital dimensions to provide you with clarity and insight, guiding you towards the best path forward.

Don't just ride the rollercoaster of limbo...

Risks caused by the limbo and pain of no clarity are significant and real both physically and mentally. But with courage, commitment, and action – you can choose your next steps. We guarantee it.



Data: Web MD study conducted in 2019 – check statistics here: www.webmd.com



Data: National Center for Biotechnology Information www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov



Traumatic experiences can affect and alter cognitions. From the outset, trauma challenges the just-world or core life assumptions that help individuals navigate daily life. Data: Janoff-Bulmann, 1992

We have better healing solution…​

The Clarity Retreat was built to give you clarity on what to do next following your trauma so you can build a plan and get back to living, rather than being stuck in limbo.

Guaranteed - 30 day money-back guarantee included with every program
Fast - Intensive program, achieves rapid results
Multi-tech - Highly trained across many trauma coaching technologies
Divorce Program - Cheap
Fixed cost - All our programs are transparent with fixed pricing
Naked Divorce Expert
Expert - We are specialists in getting over trauma

The Clarity Retreat is 97% faster than Traditional therapy at helping you get clear on next steps

NakedDivorce vs Therapy Duration
Recovering and reclaiming your life measured in weeks, not years…

Are you ready to embark this transformational journey?

Book a Clarity Call... →
Naked Divorce is Results Driven


We are obsessed with performance. To make sure we continue to be the best in the industry, we measure everything









Emotions at the end of Program

Naked Recovery as a Professional Service









Join those who recovered from trauma

“The best decision I’ve ever made!”

Marie shares her experiences of doing the Haven Retreat at Chang Mai. She couldn’t believe the results!

Watch Case Study →

Marie shares her experience of doing the Haven Retreat @ Chiang Mai

“At peace with myself and my new life”

I am looking forwards now instead of back and what a difference, so thank you so very, very much.

Read Case Study →

Sophia shares how Naked Divorce has helped her find peace in her life
Sophia, 39

“It really is a God send!”

What changed though was my ability to now remain very calm and feel in control of my own emotions.

Read Case Study →

Nada thanks Naked Divorce for helping her truly heal from the pain of her divorce

Contact us

Want to chat to someone?
No worries. Email the team and we will book your call

We will absolutely find a slot in our diaries which work for you. Message us your
city, preferred call times and contact number and, we WILL find you a slot that works…

  • Please check your email, including your spam folder, and your SMS messages within the next 24 hours. Our team will be reaching out to assist you in arranging a convenient time for your FREE Clarity Call.