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Overcome Any Life Event – Tip #1

Posted on July 27th, 2018 6 Reasons Doomed to Marry Wrong

Stability! One of the first things that goes out the window during an emotional trauma is routine. But routine helps stability – and STABILITY is critical.     We often react in crazy ways to an emotional trauma. When I was going through my own significant life-event (divorce), I started drowning myself in a tub of Ben […]

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How to heal from emotional pain. Completely.

Posted on May 17th, 2018

And the motivation it takes to complete your recovery… Pain is a great motivator… When you put your hand on a hot stove, what makes you pull it away? Pain. Physical pain is your body’s way of telling you that you need to take action and change the situation before you do yourself serious harm.  […]

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Trailing Spouse Depression

Posted on February 19th, 2018

More expat partners than ever are discovering that ‘Trailing Spouse Depression’ is a real and profound issue. Often causing irreconcilable challenges and strains on their relationships. We take a look at what they are, and what can be done about them… The world is increasingly becoming a more multicultural place. The advancement of technology and […]

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How to turn your marriage around in just 2 days

Posted on December 5th, 2017

How to turn your marriage around in just 2 days A provocative title indeed. Could be triggering, especially if you are feeling brittle and war-wounded from doing battle with your spouse. Perhaps you are feeling upset and alone in your marriage, misunderstood by your partner or fighting so much that you have lost your connection. […]

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How to Behave After a Divorce

Posted on July 11th, 2017 How to Behave After a Divorce

So much of the advice we are given is well meaning but is frankly hollow and trite… Designed to minimise our emotional pain as if it’s invalid emotion, it’s not. This attempt to repress our emotions will actually increase the overall pain experienced and extend the recovery period, sometimes indefinitely. Get over it. Be strong. Look […]

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