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A message from Hubby

Posted on January 31st, 2017

Hi I’m Simon – better known for being the other half to Adele Theron- Although I work with Adele on the business-side of NakedRecoveryOnline and NakedDivorce (I also have no own businesses), I usually stay the hell out of delivering any content. Over the years though I been asked the same questions time-and-time again so I […]

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12. Stop complaining when life isn’t fair

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Life isn’t fair so people will talk about you behind your back and be horrible even if you don’t deserve it and have always been nice and supportive to them. This is because most people will only do whatever they do to forward things for themselves so don’t expect that your good deeds and actions […]

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11. Stop worrying if others like you or not

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Stop giving a damn about everyone liking you. There is a clear T-junction when it comes to this point – you can focus on being liked or you can make a difference in life. Both of these items cannot always be true together.  

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10. Stop gossiping

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Never talk badly about other people. Bored people talk about other people. Powerful people talk about the big games, projects and exciting things they are doing in their lives.  

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9. Stop feeling sorry for yourself

Posted on January 6th, 2017

The universe doesn’t care about your bad day and neither does anyone else. Pick yourself up and keep moving forward.  

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