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3. Learn to bounce back

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Failure is not getting down, it’s staying down. Failure is simply feedback so see it as that and work on your resilience in bouncing back quickly.  

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2. Stop whining

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Losers always whine about the reasons why they didn’t achieve something. Winners simply work out what they can learn from the experience, count it as a step towards their goal, put it from their mind and move on.  

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1. Stop being a victim

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Stop being caught up in getting attention by playing the victim or trying to tell everyone your sob stories. Focus instead on solving the issues and problems in your life as quickly as possible, and moving on.  

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12 Ways to be Powerful in 2017!

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Instead of the usual suspects of exercise more, get out of debt, save more, drink less, eat more healthily, etc. how about committing to taking on the habits of thought and action that will make you more powerful in 2017? After all, without a foundational strength of character what chance do any of your other resolutions have […]

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How to Survive Christmas Alone: Part two

Posted on December 20th, 2016

This is the second part of the series. Haven’t read Part One yet? Click here. Okay, so you’ve pulled up your reindeer-print socks, you’ve got into the Christmas spirit (cabinet), you surrounded yourself with awesome friends and family until Boxing Day, perhaps you even scored a cheeky kiss on New Year’s Eve. But now what? Everyone […]

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