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What To Expect When You Leave a Narcissist

Posted on May 26th, 2023 Sticky notes with different things written on them

Leaving a partner is never easy. Breaking up with a narcissistic partner is particularly complex, however. Narcissists are egotistical and selfish, and almost everything that they do has an agenda, so it’s only natural to be nervous about leaving a spouse that has narcissistic tendencies. If you’ve decided that it’s time to leave your spouse, […]

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Navigating a Breakup With a Narcissist

Posted on May 20th, 2023 A word board of descriptions of a narcissist

There’s no one-size-fits-all blueprint for identifying narcissists, so by the time we actually realize that we’re in a relationship with one, it can take some work to extricate ourselves from that relationship. Any breakup or divorce is difficult, but navigating a breakup with someone with narcissistic tendencies adds even more complexity. Leaving a narcissist will […]

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Marriage and Narcissism: How to Leave a Narcissist

Posted on May 13th, 2023 A sticky note in the shape of a cloud saying goodby narcissist

Most people don’t know that they are in a relationship with a narcissist until they are in a very serious relationship, have already married, or have started a family together. Narcissists tend to be very good at hiding their true selves for as long as they need, but a point eventually does come when the […]

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Am I Married to a Narcissist? Signs to Look Out For

Posted on May 6th, 2023 A pink sticky note saying narcissistic on it

It’s not that there are absolutely no red flags that suggest someone is a narcissist before getting married; it’s just that they manage to hide it exceedingly well until the papers are signed. The truth is, during the dating stage, narcissists often act like perfect partners. They are equal parts doting, as they are independent; […]

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What is Internalized Homophobia?

Posted on April 17th, 2023 A teen hugging his knees on some steps

There’s no denying that the world has made great strides in recent years when it comes to promoting the acceptance of those within the LGBTQ+ community. Same-sex marriage is now legal in most ‘first world’ countries, and the celebrated community gay pride events are helping heterosexual people interact, understand, and embrace LGBTQ+ people in a […]

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