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The Divorce Decision: Can an Unhappy Marriage be Saved?

Posted on January 3rd, 2023 A woman looking at her wedding ring

Deciding to divorce is one of the most difficult decisions anyone will have to make. People don’t go into a marriage expecting it to end and a divorce is something that usually comes with a whole lot of shame and trauma attached. If you’re standing on the brink of divorce, it’s natural to have misgivings, […]

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Life Beyond Lockdown Episode 4: How to handle it when stress is killing your relationship

Posted on June 8th, 2020

In this episode I delve into the role our hormones and stress levels play in hijacking us from our loved ones. We are wired differently as men and women and our differences are intensified by stress. The fact that we deal with stress differently, means it’s really important to know what  type of support is […]

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Life Beyond Lockdown Episode 3: How to rekindle love and desire during lockdown and beyond

Posted on June 8th, 2020

Lockdown has created alot of stress and pressure for couples. So many people are finding the groundhog day and endless ‘sameness’ is wreaking havoc on personal relationships. Now that the novelty of the experience has worn off, people need new skills to cope. In today’s podcast, Relationship and Divorce expert Adele talks about the 6 […]

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Life Beyond Lockdown Episode 2: How to handle Scratchiness, Anger and strong emotions during lockdown and beyond

Posted on May 5th, 2020

I don’t know about you but we have noticed something shift in the past few weeks as people start to become more and more irritated and scratchy during lockdown. The groundhog-dayness of this is starting to get to people. This giant experimental pressure cooker is pulsating more and more and as Trauma Counsellors we totally […]

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Life After Lockdown Episode 1: How to handle the stress, anxiety and uncertainty of lockdown

Posted on April 24th, 2020

We are going through unprecedented uncertainty within this global COVID19 crisis. In this episode we set the scene and explain why some people appear to be “aceing” the lockdown, whilst many of us experience bouts of anxiety, stress and depression. Alot of how we are handling the lockdown has nothing to do with us personally, […]

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