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8. Speak with power

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Focus on making eye contact with people when you talk to them, lift your chin and speak in a clear audible voice. Softly spoken people are very dominating to those around them as everyone needs to lean in to hear them. It’s subtle manipulative control vs. clear powerful behaviour.  

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7. Communicate with clarity

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Powerful people communicate clearly and powerfully, without drama. They make requests and never make excuses for why things don’t happen.  

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6. Stop just doing what you ‘feel’ like

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Powerful people don’t run their lives based on what they ‘feel’ like doing at any given moment. Powerful people value their commitments and their agreements with themselves and others and when they don’t ‘feel’ like doing something they ignore those feelings and do what they agreed to do anyway.  

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5. Live with integrity

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Focus on your personal integrity and honouring your values, ethics and agreements with people and yourself. Especially with yourself.  

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4. Stop being a drama queen

Posted on January 6th, 2017

Don’t see every little thing that happens as so significant and create dramas out of small things. It’s an addiction! Stop doing it – keep things small and move on.  

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